Row 1 (from left to right): Anthony Billinghurst and Tristian Swain finishing leg 5; Phgil Howson and Adrian Moss celebrating with a drink on Evian; Alan Brook directing the traffic on the Snake Pass on leg 2.
Row 2 (from left to right): Claire Dacey and Emma Dove (Totley Ladies A) on Burbage Edge; Dave Ansell showing Mike Savage (Striders A) how to get up Burbage Edge.
Row 3 (from left to right): Ian Stinson and Dave Beech on Burbage Edge; Dean Young and Chris Kirby (Striders C) just finished Leg 3; Doug Thompson and Gerald DeVane timekeeping at start of Leg 4.
Row 4 (from left to right): Trevor Watson and Damian Whitlam (Striders B) at start of Leg 4; Jane Spence (Femme Fitale) on Burbage Edge; Dave Parry, Simon Wiles, Roger Stevenson, Tristan Swain, Phil Howson, Adrian Moss and Anthony Billinghurst at start of Leg 5.